August 16, 2007

What about Center for New Economy?

CNE's Mission is the following:

"The Center for the New Economy (CNE) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, Puerto Rico corporation dedicated to developing economic development policies that will improve the economic well-being of Puerto Rico and its citizens. The organization is founded on the principles of a strong and progressive free enterprise economy..."

Although I am not against private sector growth in Puerto Rico, I do think that it is important for Puerto Rico's Development to have an Institute that has an approach that is centered on the improvement and advancement of its people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With the many complex issues facing Puerto Rico today, there is definitely a need for more independent policy centers (or “think tanks”) looking at our realities as a people. While what the Center for the New Economy and my friend Mike Soto have done has been impressive, a healthy diversity of approaches and perspectives is always critical to a robust and creative discourse on public policy issues.

In the United States there is a wide range of policy centers, some that specialize on certain issues, while others differ ideologically, but this assures a vibrant marketplace of ideas. In Puerto Rico, the nonprofit (or “third”) sector is beginning to emerge and will need to be nurtured to play that role.

Institutions like the Center for the New Economy and the Puerto Rico Community Foundation need to be supported, but is also important that they not be overloaded by being the “only show in town.” The creation of new policy centers in Puerto Rico should not be seen as replacing these institutions but rather as adding to the public discourse and supporting their goal of bettering the lot of the Puerto Rican people. The discussion on your blog is, in this sense, much needed.

Angelo Falcón
National Institute for Latino Policy
101 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013